Padang Kurusetra

Because the World Still Full of Anxiety

From late Old English (c.1050), wyrre, werre, from Old North French werre "war" (Fr. guerre), from Frankish *werra, from Proto-Germanic* werso (Compare with Old Saxon werran, Old high German werran, German verwirren "to confuse, perplex.") Cognates suggest the original sense was "to bring into confusion."

There was no common Germanic word for "war" at the dawn of historical times. Spanish, Portuguese, Italian guerra are from the same source; Romanic peoples turned to Germanic for a word to avoid Latin "bellum" because its form tended to merge with bello- "beautiful."[11]

In an organized military sense, a group of combatants and their support is called an army on land, a navy at sea, and an air force in the air. Wars may be conducted simultaneously in one or more different theaters. Within each theater, there may be one or more consecutive military campaigns. A military campaign includes not only fighting but also intelligence, troop movements, supplies, propaganda, and other components.

A period of continuous intense conflict is traditionally called a battle, although this terminology is not always applied to conflicts involving aircraft, missiles or bombs alone, in the absence of ground troops or naval forces. Also many other actions may be undertaken by military forces during a war, this could include weapons research, prison internment, assassination, occupation, and in some cases genocidemay occur.

A civil war is a war between factions of citizens of one country (such as in the English Civil War), or else a dispute between two nations that were created out of one formerly-united country. A proxy war is a war that results when two powers use third parties as substitutes for fighting each other directly.


War is a struggle. Struggle against something. In daily life and creatures, the war has become a habit and things natural. Everything has a temperament to do battle and fight. In the animal world, war is an arena to survive and maintain the continuity of creation. The food chain is the simplest process, how the war has become the most prevalent form of life.
On Wikipedia, war was declared a public statement to the conflict of organized violence, [1] [2] The war was marked by acts of extreme aggression, social disruption, and of course the high mortality rate. As patterns of behavior, warlike tendencies can be found in many primate species, [3], including humans, and are also found in many species of ants. [4] [5] [6] the unity of the techniques used by the group to do battle, known as war.
Generally, the war was marked by the involvement of two or more organized groups or parties. Such as conflict, war is always trying to change, both psychologically and even a hierarchy of dominance hierarchy or equality between groups. In all cases, at least one group when conflict occurs, the material or psychological domination action against other groups.
In the whole war, domination becomes fixed price. There was no war that can be separated from the will to power. Even so, not always domination is the effect arising from mistreatment. In some cases, war can occur because the attempt to reject or eliminate forms of mistreatment.
In some religious teachings, to avoid war is far better for human beings. However, the inevitability of the possibility of war against injustice, often expressed as the path of God to be chosen by anyone. War became the spiritual arena that can bring a person is very close to the path of God. Even so, most religious teachings so do not recommend this word.

Sergeant George Luz is a later show, that courage got another hallway to emerge within us. Luz itself, is a member of the unity of the United States parachutist Easy Company during World War II. At that time they were assigned to seize Carentan City, in southern France. The city was formerly occupied by Nazi Germany. Because of this strategic city, the Nazis did not just want to let go. Moreover, the German mentality is a mentality that is not easily give up and stubborn. So Sgt George Luz and his unit had to fight hard for it. 
Battle city was unfolded, as the re be cooked up in one series Band Of Brothers. In the film it is clear how the courage and heroism demonstrated by every member of Easy Company in seizing the town of Carentan inch after inch of it. They break through the ambush of German troops and machine gun bullet from Panzer Tank. Each command to usurp the position of the German army in comply with the steady regardless of the risk of death who were hiding among the thousands of bullets opponent. At that point, all fear is ignored and the shadow of death familiar.
But in a military unit consisting of various heads, can not expect all be uniform. Among the various courage shown by the Easy Company that, tucked one exception. Exceptions were named Albert Blithe. Maybe this one soldier who was not really ready to be a battlefield. He experienced tremendous fear. Bullets whistle which almost never stops, mortars boom is heard, the cry of the people affected by bullets, the intestines are spilled, the broken leg, broken heads and various other bad experiences, successfully burying his authority as a soldier. Until then he suffered blindness, which thankfully, only temporary. Blindness is a doctor-by-force is part of the 'Traumatic War Syndrome' or Histerycal blindness, which is the highest level of 'Fear' in the war.
Day after day, battle after battle, Blithe had not moved from the mental slump. Acute fear that makes no one dared to remove the bullet was from his Rifle Round. As one senior on the unity of Easy Company, Sergeant George Luz aware of this situation. And in one terrifying night, Sergeant origin was found Blithe Iowa who was awake in his foxhole. Situations when it is tense. The position of their troops to within a few hundred yards from the German Nazi troops.
According to intelligence, the Germans would launch a counterattack in an effort to retake the city of Carentan on the next morning. So Easy Company had to be alert. Time interval at night which left it utilized the entire army to rest in his protection holes respectively. But Blithe, he can not take that chance. Adrenaline continues to tighten, his eyes remained awake and alert his soul continues. Unfortunately, it all comes from fear and anxiety are very, very big. He could not rest because of continued anxiety.
So Sgt George Luz also make themselves available to accompany Albert Blithe in fear at night. 
"How do you feel. . . ? "asked Sergeant George Luz
"Not so good. . "Blithe said. Her eyes still stared blankly into any direction
"You know what is causing the emergence of fear in this battle. . ? "
Blithe did not answer. He just shook his head slowly.
"You know, your fear comes, because you still keep HOPE in you". . Luz said as he lit a cigar. 
At first glance, Blithe sank, as well as the time I was sipping a cup of coffee. How can a 'HOPE' will be the beginning of the emergence of fear. I then repeat the scene several times. Maybe there is something wrong with the words of George Luz. But after so many times repeated, the results remain the same. But then again, how can. .? Is not the hope is the beginning of a relentless effort and do not know the end? Is not hope a source of inspiration that can move our body moves automatically to achieve harapai it? Is not hope can make us not care how hard barrier up ahead and then bring up the courage? Some time after Blithe-and I-shocked, Sergeant George Luz resume his words to Blithe.
"I know for sure, you still keep HOPE to meet your family after the war ended. You're still hoping that there is peace, and you become part of a peaceful situation. You're still hoping that after this, you'll be riding a bike with your friends in a quiet town, without the threat of war and the sound of bullets. And you know, that's the actual source of your fear. You do not realize that hopes to enjoy all the beauty and peacefulness that makes you reluctant and afraid to take the risk of death. You're afraid to move, afraid to act because the bullet Nazi Germany could at any time about you. And finally, you could only be locked away and hide in fear. . . . 
You know, for us, that hope was gone. We never store it in the heart or even on this head. Death is there beside us now, He will soon find us, sooner or later. So, do the best that you can do. Kill the Germans as much as you can. We never keep hope for a peaceful life. We know, by being here, means we were in the middle of death. And once again, do your best before death came. No need to hide. That is why we never knew fear. . . once again, kill all hope-hope that."
After the lecture Blithe, Sergeant George Luz was moved from the place, leaving Blithe in the foxhole with various rows of thinking. But, I then remembered, that such discussion had ever actually know. In Islam, the Prophet once said to do something well, as if we're going to die tomorrow. This is a discussion of the totality, a full effort to bring hope. . . And also, that the 'absence of Hope', in certain situations can be a source of strength, was conveyed by Chinese artists Sun Tzu's war. Delivery is simple: "Be careful in mice who were cornered, he could become the most dangerous creature in that condition. . " 
Somehow Blithe then interpret the words of Sergeant George Luz it. To be sure, the battle in the next day, for the first time this soldier fired his gun toward the German Nazi forces. One shot and then successfully make an opponent who fell down when it was pushed back. The courage it slowly began to rise for Blithe. Unfortunately, it did not last long. In the ambush in a house, he - with courage high, because others are reluctant to do so - had volunteered to lead a small squad of troops. However, a few yards ahead of the house, a bullet fired by a German sniper right about it.
He also fell down and died instantly. . .

At least Hitler became truly alive from the images that fit the mind as it gobbles. Small man whose entire family had received bad treatment of German Jews for a long time, and eyes that have been since the kids to see how the behavior of Jews in Germany's daily population. Hitler was the one voice of many others, who hold a grudge against the descendants of the great prophet Moses.

And, with great vengeance was also the making of a tyrant, a man with a great view of the hatred, and the firm said, that Jews are dogs who live in Germany for the one reason, to finished. From Gobbles, hateful views getting a place for living, from slick imagery-imagery of the frightening face of stagnation, a terrible dwelling, the hideous requirements. 

Hitler and Gobbles seems to be a perfect representation of the inhumanity and cruelty. Only person present, which are often considered very nurturing Machiavelli so solemn, so profound, so pervasive. And it looks correct. Reveals many historical facts of Nazi atrocities against Jews, scattered everywhere, revealed from all directions, while the fields of human burning leaves a tragic waste of human post a form of philosophy. Hitler is really fulfilling the promise of childhood grudge. Making Jews angry over history, even when they tell the generations in the mass production of films about the dark phase of World War II.

I also, at least thought it was so bitter cruelty, to the Maestro, Spielberg, also raised the voices of the colonized in a few films. However, from the bitterness that sometimes lie began, and history of heart problems only tells how to view it blindly. I then thought, that many movies are just about tears and the images show about a villain who constantly built. Now the titles tells the story of Nazi brutality, arrogance and inhumanity of Hitler, German soldiers cowardice, or how oppressed the Jewish family, descendants of Moses mirisnya life in his own house, and how helpless nation in the land of Canaan landowners Hitler, the Germans dominated the stigma about Hitler is so, 'bitch'.

At least, I never thought that no matter how Hollywood saw during the 1900s, then that looks bad is the image of the Germans under Hitler. But I see another story how, when American perspective presented in 'Inglorious Bastards'. Yes, war is always bad, no one can deny it, but said that only one party who committed atrocities against the other, hold on, hold on, because the face of war is the struggle of kill or be killed, stabbed or stabbed, destroyed or demolished !

In ways that are not common, Inglorious Bastards instead presenting the war as a parody, which is embarrassing, heartbreaking, but so disturbing. And, that's where roughly, American and German nature was laughed at. Whereas the roles acted by both merely scorn and ridicule of man who mengimajinasi that nationalism had no place. Hitler's cruel, it is the image that easily fooled, gobbles brilliant, just a grim-looking comedian who hearted roses.

And, that's where America the Helper, the wise, who cares, displayed the same funny and cruel as can be observed about the evils of Hitler and his Nazi army. Inglorious Bastards, appear as a group of American Jews who want to launch a revenge against the Germans in France. People who have received bad treatment from the Nazis, and want to appear as the mighty Rambo in the colonies of Germany.

So no doubt, Lieutenant Aldo Raine colonized people collect it, shape it in a single American soldier, and launched a stealth attack against the Nazis, wherever. As the stories in the novel that was made in several chapters, Inglorious Bastards presents a situation as if the historical series from the days of the fall of Germany and the killing of all high-ranking Nazis, including Hitler and gobbles.

Only, the movie was impressed with the attitude presented heroism - deliberately - made ​​up. Backsound in the film, is formed, in such a way in the memories of music to depict the flow of military and elite troops are brave and courageous in most Hollywood movies, but it might be parody and banter. And, like other Hollywood movies that showed the violence that is so open, this film shows how the troops Inglorious Bastards scalp German soldiers, beating the head of a high-ranking Nazi troops with a baseball bat until destroyed, or also shot Hitler and gobbles with heavy weapons, such that the faces and their bodies no longer shape.

That way the Americans and Jews are also portrayed, making powerful impressions of American and Jewish, but just the same courage with which his ruthless owned by Germany. Yes, Bastards groups appear as a hero, but the same heroism rotten to the will of Hitler or also gobbles. Yes, the bastards are winning the war, but in the ways and negotiations that are not spoken entirely in historical narratives.

Through play Colonel Hans Landa, the representation of Germany's elite intelligence revealed so beautiful, but as embarrassing in the tragedy who was betrayed nationalism. From Landa, what is often addressed as a full submission to Hitler and the Aryan race, only about power and ways to get it. Landa was not a Jew hater or America, or a nationalist who really explore the meaning of a true German. He is still releasing Shosanna little girl from the massacre of Jews in one of French homes, Ferrier LaPadite. And from him, the continuation of Nazi power must be willing to end, after lengthy negotiations with the elite Inglorious Bastards, which was caught by his intelligence.

From the play Landa, a parody of nationalism are painted, so embarrassing for the Germans, but not touching each of his American and Jewish victory, when spoken. Inglorious Bastards seemed to laugh at both of them, all laughing at himself. That the story of their heroism, saved the same idea with his cruel enemies, equally valuable as the attitude of hatred that resides in the image of a love of the homeland in all its forms. And, how opaque accepted his view of history today.